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How to Get Energy Naturally

If you find yourself asking “how can I get more energy?”, then you might be missing out on the essential nutrients your body needs. Some common deficiencies will lead to the feelings of fatigue and tiredness, and you may find yourself reaching for the caffeine. Follow our top tips to get more energy naturally and support your body with the nutrition it needs to promote normal levels. 

Table of Contents:

Which Nutrients Help You Get Energy Naturally?

Increasing your energy naturally means you focus your nutritional intake on natural sources of energy. This includes through your diet, prioritising the food and drink which provide the nutrients your body needs to metabolise energy. If you cannot obtain enough of these vitamins and minerals, you may require energy supplements to help support your intake.

boost energy by eating a balanced diet

Top nutrients to help support energy metabolism include: 

  • Vitamin B12
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron 
  • Zinc

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found in red meat, fish, and eggs. B12 benefits a normal energy metabolism and helps to reduce tiredness. If you are following a vegan or vegetarian diet, you may find you are lacking in these energy boosting types of vitamins. For those concerned about their B12 levels, you can identify the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency, and see if you need to increase your intake. If you find you do have low levels, taking vitamin B12 supplements could be a solution on how to get more energy naturally.


Magnesium helps to relax muscles after a hard workout, as well as aiding in recovery. Magnesium supplements are a great way to up your magnesium levels. Intaking a sufficient amount can also help in getting energy naturally by reducing your tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium benefits you by contributing to making protein, improving oxygen circulation, and regulating melatonin which acts as a natural sleep aid.

Our Magnesium Water makes it easier than ever to obtain the mineral you need to help support a natural energy boost whilst supporting hydration. Our electrolyte-rich range has been formulated to offer a hassle-free way to obtain nutritional benefits without having to take a tablet. They can restore electrolytes lost during exercise or through stress, help avoid magnesium deficiency, and support in providing a natural energy boost. 

Vitamin C

It is well known that fruit and vegetables offer a whole host of vitamins, including vitamin C, which can help to increase your energy levels. Vitamin C benefits your immune system, fights off common illnesses, and boosts your energy levels. 

To ensure you are receiving enough of this infamous nutrient, you could try taking a daily vitamin C supplement. Try a multivitamin that contains this nutrient, along with a wealth of other vitamins, as a natural way to boost energy. If you are deficient in vitamin C, you may find our immune response does not work as effectively.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D benefits numerous important functions, including supporting the immune system and normal muscle function. Keeping our immune system as healthy as possible can help you fight off the fatigue often caused by common colds. 

If you find your lifestyle doesn’t allow for lots of time spent outdoors, you can use vitamin D supplements to bridge the gap and help to get more energy naturally. 


When taking part in exercise our muscles need more oxygen, and red blood cells are a vital part of moving this element around the body. Iron is used by the body to create red blood cells, and so if you are low in iron, you may find your muscles become fatigued very quickly during exercise. Iron supplements can be an effective solution to get more energy naturally.

Lifestyle is often the cause of iron deficiency, and you may need to increase your intake to naturally boost energy levels. This mineral is often found in red meat, therefore meat-free diets could lead to a lack, so it is one of the supplements vegans should take to help bridge this gap.

getting energy naturally to fight fatigue


Zinc benefits your energy production, because it is a cofactor (helper molecule) for the enzymes required to make energy. This means that ensuring your zinc intake is sufficient, through your diet and zinc supplementation, could support you in getting more energy naturally, without reaching for the caffeine. One of the side effects of zinc deficiency is tiredness, and so reducing the risk of low levels is essential to avoid this. 

Benefits of Getting Energy Naturally 

Increasing your energy levels naturally means you focus on natural sources. This is instead of reaching for the short term boosts from caffeine or sugar, such as with energy drinks. Boosting natural energy levels can be done by focusing on a number of goals and activities. There are a wealth of opportunities to put the spring back in your step. 

Many energy drinks are promoted as enhancing mental alertness or physical performance for those experiencing a lack of energy. It is for this reason that people turn to these drinks in order to raise their energy levels and feel alert. One argument towards reducing the consumption of energy drinks is that they have a high level of caffeine. Caffeine is fine in moderation, but when you consume higher levels (over 400mg) health issues can start to arise. 

These can include:

  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat
  • Trouble breathing
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Insomnia

The perceived energy boost from energy drinks comes from the high levels of sugar and caffeine present in the drink. Once these effects have worn off, people often feel a dip in energy levels, sometimes referred to as a “crash”. It is this feeling which can lead to reaching for another energy drink. This constant cycle can cause energy drinks to become addictive. 

Swapping out energy drinks for energy supplements will not present a quick-fix solution, but over time they will balance out your energy levels more effectively, and encourage your body’s normal energy metabolism.

Top Tips for Supporting Natural Energy Levels

Boosting natural energy levels can be done by focusing on a number of goals and activities. There are a wealth of opportunities to put the spring back in your step. From eating a healthy and balanced diet, to limiting your stress and focusing on your mindset, the main principle when discovering how to get more energy naturally is to live a well-balanced life.

how to improve energy levels naturally

Promote Exercise & Recovery

Keeping our bodies at their healthiest is a major factor in how to get more energy naturally and taking part in regular exercise is essential to this. Exercise increases your oxygen circulation. Oxygen, in turn, helps your cells make energy. Not only that, but your physical output can help you get a better night’s rest. 

You can help to boost your energy levels with sports supplements alongside staying active. This could be as simple as taking a daily walk around your neighbourhood, or establishing a regular gym routine. It is important to recover properly - this includes regular rest days, and promoting muscle recovery with magnesium

For those looking for how to get energy naturally for workouts, incorporating energy supplements into your daily routine could help you feel prepared for a tough gym session ahead. If you’re a professional athlete, you can find approved informed sport supplements to help support your exercise.

Encourage Proper Sleep for More Energy

Resting is what allows us to recuperate our energy levels. Sleep is important for your overall health, and having restless nights can be detrimental to your mood. Therefore, ensuring you sleep peacefully through the night is essential. If you find you are struggling with resting at night, or experiencing the side effects of sleep deprivation, then a sleep supplement could help you drift off peacefully. 

Reducing screen time for at least an hour before bed helps to reduce the impact of blue light, and eating for a better night’s sleep, are both steps you can take. Once you’re well rested you should feel like you’ve got a boost of natural energy.

Maintain a Balanced Diet 

Improving energy naturally begins with a well-balanced diet. Food is what fuels our energy levels and we can influence how we feel by being mindful of what we eat. Whilst many detox diets are labelled energy-boosting, these low-calorie plans can actually leave us feeling depleted. 

Focus on filling yourself with nutritious foods, supported by food supplements, in order to help boost energy naturally. Opt for a meal plan that is high in protein, accompanied by lots of fruit and veg to wave goodbye to long-term fatigue. 

Those on a plant-based diet may be more at risk of some vitamin and mineral deficiencies than others. This is because a lot of essential nutrients are found in meat, fish, and other animal-sourced products. Vegan supplements and vegetarian supplements can offer a solution to those who may need more support in getting their boost of energy. 

Get Outdoors

Our bodies produce vitamin D when we are exposed to sunshine. However, it may not always be sunny enough in order for us to make enough. In the UK, between October and March, the sun is not strong enough to provide natural vitamin D, regardless of how long you're exposed to it.

Ensuring we get enough time in the sun can help to ensure our bodies can synthesise this energy-boosting vitamin. Those living a more indoor life, or who work during the night, may be more at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Pill-free supplements can offer a solution to help you get more energy from this nutrient.   

Stay Hydrated 

Keeping hydrated is essential for feeling good within our bodies. Being dehydrated can often cause us to feel lethargic and tired, so drinking the recommended amount of water per day is a must for fighting this feeling. Our electrolyte drinks can help to support your hydration levels and promote a natural boost of energy. 

Reduce Stress

Stress can have a negative impact on our bodies and can leave us feeling very depleted of energy. Reducing your stress levels is a simple way you can boost energy naturally. From switching off completely from work at the end of the day, to giving yourself some “me time” to pamper yourself, there are many ways to lessen your everyday stress and increase your energy. 

For those looking to relax from a stressful day, using magnesium bath flakes whilst enjoying a calming soak is ideal before heading to bed. This will help your muscles relax, and help to alleviate the physical signs of stress, encouraging you to feel a natural energy boost.

Boost Your Energy Without Taking A Tablet

At BetterYou, we have formulated vitamin oral sprays to help support your intake of essential nutrients to help encourage you to get more energy. Thanks to their pill-free design, you don’t have to swallow a tablet or take these supplements with food. Simply spray into your mouth, and the vitamins and minerals are absorbed through the cheek. 

We also use topical formulas for our magnesium supplements, meaning you can apply them to your skin. This makes for a quick and easy application method. Not only that, but our Magnesium Water makes for a refreshing treat, whilst supporting your natural electrolyte levels for more energy. 

Fast, Effective, Smart Supplementation from BetterYou

BetterYou have been trusted to supply vitamins and minerals since we were founded in 2006. Our pill-free formulas offer a hassle-free way to encourage a natural energy boost, and a number of other nutritional benefits. From men’s health supplements, to women’s health supplements, to children’s vitamins, we’ve got the whole family’s nutritional needs covered.

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