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Gummies vs Sprays: Supplement Types Comparison Guide

Comparing gummies, oral sprays, and tablets can help us see which types of supplements are best at delivering essential nutrients to your body. Use our comparison guide to assess the differences between tablets, oral sprays, and gummies, and be informed on which is best for your needs. 

Table of Contents:

Nutrient Sprays vs Gummies vs Tablets 

Comparing sprays to gummies to tablets means we have to look at how these varying types of supplements are made, how they deliver their essential ingredients, and how easy they are to supplement. These factors all play a part in how effective they are at delivering on their nutritional promises. From vitamin oral sprays, to tablets, to chewable gummies, let’s take a look at each of them.

Supplement Type

Oral Sprays

Traditional Tablets


Style of Supplement

Liquid, sprayed into mouth

Solid swallowable tablet

Chewable gummy

Method of Absorption



Mostly gastrointestinal

Ease of Use


Less Easy


Potential Sugar Content




In order to see the nutritional benefits of your supplements, they need to provide a bioavailable form of the nutrient. That means it needs to be in a form that the body can absorb readily, in order to see its nutritional benefits. 

The Case for Sprays 

Oral sprays supplements are in liquid form which are sprayed into the mouth. 

Benefits of Oral Sprays

The benefits of oral sprays include:

  • Ease of use
  • Reliable, effective absorption method
  • Great-tasting
  • No additives
  • Kid-friendly

Efficacy of Oral Spray Absorption

Oral sprays are formulated to make use of “intra-oral absorption” which means they are absorbed through the skin in your mouth and throat, to the rich vein system below. This means nutrients can be absorbed immediately, without the hassle of swallowing a painful tablet, or easting the sugar that may be included in a gummy. 

Not only that, but by avoiding the gastrointestinal system, vitamins and minerals can be absorbed more effectively than gummies or tablets. Take vitamin B12 for example: Vitamin B12 requires a protein called “intrinsic factor” in order to be absorbed efficiently. By using vitamin B12 supplements in the form of oral sprays, this is not needed, and so the vitamin can be absorbed more effectively than gummies or tablets.

Oral Spray Ingredients

Another benefit of oral sprays, is that they do not require large amounts of additional ingredients in order to deliver the appropriate formula for your pill-free supplement. They do not require the additional ingredients that may be needed in order to fill a pill, or provide the correct gummy consistency. Therefore, the majority of the ingredients in oral sprays are those which provide the nutrients your body needs and help you avoid common vitamin and mineral deficiencies

The Case for Tablets

Tablet supplements are swallowed whole, with the aim to deliver nutrients within them to the stomach, to be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. 

Benefits of Tablets

Their benefits include:

  • Being widely available
  • Easy to use if you can swallow tablets easily
  • Can be found at affordable prices

Tablet supplements are very popular, and they may be what you think of when supplements come to mind. Tablets are widely available vs oral sprays, and they can help you increase your nutritional intake alongside your diet. 

Where Tablets Fall Short 

Some of the cons of tablet supplements include:

  • Unreliable absorption method
  • Harder to use, especially if you struggle to swallow tablets
  • Harder to get kids excited about taking their nutritional supplements

Efficacy of Tablet Absorption

However, tablets rely on nutritional absorption in the gut and intestine. This can be unreliable, as the absorption of key nutrients is dependent on certain conditions. This is particularly evident when comparing the absorption of B12 between tablets and sprays. The unreliable nature of gastrointestinal absorption means it is more effective to raise your nutrient levels using oral sprays rather than tablets. 

Possible Side Effects of Tablets 

This absorption can also be impacted by medications, medical conditions such as IBS or Crohn’s disease, as well as age. Certain tablets can also cause issues, such as the side effects of traditional iron tablets. This form of supplement can lead to abdominal discomfort, nausea, and dark stools. When comparing tablets to sprays, you’ll find tablet-free iron supplements do not have this effect, because they do not rely on primary processing by the digestive system. 

The Case for Gummies 

Gummy supplements, or gummies, are chewable, sweet treats, with the promise to provide nutrients that support our modern lifestyles. Gummies often promote “beauty from within” messaging, proving that healthy skin, hair, and more come from taking care of yourself from inside. 

Benefits of Gummies

The benefits of gummies include:

  • They taste good
  • They can be fun to take, and are naturally kid-friendly
  • Rely on a mix of both intra-oral and gastrointestinal absorption methods

Whilst there are nutritional benefits of gummies, the pull to these supplements may be the bright colours and fun packaging which can make taking your daily vitamins and minerals more appealing. 

Efficacy of Gummy Absorption

The benefit of gummies is that they make use of both intra-oral absorption (absorption starts at the mouth) and the digestive tract to deliver nutrients. Despite this, the majority of absorption will take place in the gut, which can be unreliable.  

Where Gummies Fall Short

However, gummies may not be all good news. The cons can include:

  • High sugar content 
  • May contain lots of unwanted additives
  • Mostly unreliable absorption method 
  • Gummies may contain gelatine, making them unsuitable for vegans and vegetarians

Ingredients of Gummies

The main ingredient listed on gummies is often sugar, or various types of sugar, which may counteract the “good for you” benefits of the gummies appeal. Because gummies are chewable, they need to taste good. This is why they may have a high sugar content compared to sprays or tablets. 

Gummies vs Sprays vs Tablets: What’s the Conclusion?

Whilst tablets and gummies offer a popular and widely available opportunity to restore your nutrients, they may not be the most effective way to support your diet. Oral spray supplements offer a fast, reliable way to increase your levels, without having to swallow a tablet or intake the sugar content which you may find in a gummy. 

At BetterYou, we have conducted studies into intraoral vitamin absorption with the Universities of Cardiff, Sheffield, and Ulster, to showcase the evidence behind our backed-by-science supplement formulas. When you’re choosing the best supplements for you and your family, make the smart choice and opt for oral sprays. 


BetterYou Oral Spray Supplements for the Whole Family

At BetterYou, our oral spray supplements are designed to deliver nutritional supplements without the need to take a tablet. Our oral sprays offer the essential vitamins your body needs in order to function properly alongside your healthy lifestyle.  

  • Vitamin B12 Supplements - Deliver your daily dose of B12 to avoid deficiency, and support your natural energy levels, immune system, and cognitive function. 
  • Vitamin C Supplements - Increase your daily intake with an easy spray, and see the benefits to your skin, blood vessels, and immune defence. 
  • Vitamin D Supplements - Available in varying doses for the whole family, vitamin D promotes healthy bones and muscle function, and helps support a balanced mood. 
  • Vitamin K Supplements -  A simple solution to increasing your K2 intake, to help encourage strong bones and normal blood clotting. 

Hassle-free nutrition is available for the whole family, so you can ensure everyone is cared for. 

  • Baby Vitamins - With doses gentle enough for your littlest ones, our baby vitamins offer oral spray and topical solutions to their nutritional needs. 
  • Children’s Vitamins - Our children’s oral sprays offer an effective way to ensure your kids get their vital nutrients with great-tasting and fuss-free daily doses.
  • Men’s Health Supplements - Specifically formulated to give you the mix of essential nutrients you need to support everyday wellbeing.
  • Women’s Health Supplements - Our range of pill-free formulas provide the essential nutrients to help keep you healthy through every stage of womanhood.  

Why Choose BetterYou?

We were founded in 2006, and have since been trusted to deliver nutritional support through our pioneering oral sprays and topical magnesium supplements. Our methods have been absorption tested by top UK universities, and our formulas are designed for the whole family. From energy supplements when you need a boost, to sleep supplements when you need help drifting off, we’ve got you covered.  

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